Monday, December 30, 2013

Project 200: Making A Space

True, all we really need to write is paper or a pen, or a computer, but I think having a dedicated writing space is vital in making writing an everyday, lasting habit. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Chapter Three: In Which Bella Is Almost Hit By A Car (Hooray!), But Survives (Dammit!)

This was a difficult chapter to spork. Part of this chapter takes place in a hospital, and as I work in the medical field I found the medical inaccuracies particularly grating. Also, Edward is particularly douchey in this chapter. Multiple times I’ve had my arm drawn back, prepared to hurl my Kindle across the room. But I managed to persevere and so I present to you: Chapter Three! 

Project 200: Why Tracking Your Word Count Is Important

How long did it take you to write the last chapter of your novel? How about your last manuscript? How many words do you average per day? I guarantee that if you asked Stephen King or JK Rowling those questions, they would know. If you want to take your writing seriously, you need to be tracking how many words you write a day. This is important for five reasons.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Project 200: Making An Introduction

I have long been envious of prolific writers like Stephen King and Neil Gaiman, it seems like they have a new book coming out every year and not little books either! I’m fairly certain Stephen King’s recent doorstopper 11/22/63 is considered a deadly weapon in every state but Texas.

But I’ve been doing some significant reading and spending a lot of time thinking and I’ve come to several realizations.