Friday, March 14, 2014

The Epilogue Has Been Nominated For An Award!

Okay, okay it's a fictitious award. Don't you hate it when measly facts steal your thunder? I've been nominated for the 'Liebster Award' by way of Chris Votey. The Liebster (Or 'Liebby' as we call it in the biz) is a way to introduce readers to smaller blogs. Basically a chain email of awesome. Along with a signal boost you get a fun Q&A. Here's mine.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Project 200: Tips and Tricks (The Seeds and Plot Folder)

In the Tips & Tricks posts I be passing along tips and tricks I’ve discovered or found that have helped me and I believe will help you. Also, I invite you to take a look back and see how close you got to your goal of writing 200 words every day.